Sunday, February 28, 2021

What January Looked Like

The Greensboro Science Center hosted a new Christmas event this year. They decorated the outdoor part of the science center with TONS of lights. Tickets were expensive and the kids weren't really interested, but I wanted to go. So Andrew and I went for a date night.
I think we were the only people there that didn't have kids with us.
It was so pretty.

This light tunnel was my favorite part.

Peppermint Way was sponsored by Chick-fil-A,
two of Whitney's loves!

We bought our own pack of Trump cards to play
Up and Down the River.
The silver ones aren't as fun as the gold ones Grandma got at the beach.

I loved having so many fun moments with these three together.
They were making us sushi. Yum.

Date night at Poblano's.
Andrew's heel has really been bothering him.
Enough that he feels like he can't play tennis with me.
So, with the weather being cold, we have started venturing out to more
restaurants for date nights. I've missed eating out!

B made chicken nuggets for us one night.

While B was in town I REALLY wanted to get an updated family photo.
I talked with Destinee and arranged for us to come to Asheville and have
pics taken there. I was SOOOO excited!
But then there was an ice storm.
And the roads were supposed to be bad.
And we've become true North Carolinians who are afraid of icy roads.
So we cancelled our photo shoot.
And it was the only day that would before B flew back to Utah.

So I had to take matters into my own hands...
We went downtown to the top of a parking garage,
set up the camera on a tripod,
and shot away!

They aren't great.
But at least they're current.

Then we came home and roasted marshmallows in the backyard.

B got his wisdom teeth out while he was home.
His dentist recommended it.
And he didn't want to do it, mostly because he didn't want to
waste precious time that he could be climbing and spending
with friends. Instead he'd be in bed recovering from surgery...
But I talked him into it.
And I'm glad I did.
The first two days were pretty rough.
Then he was back to himself on Day 3.
He only had three wisdom teeth, just like me! :)

He never got too swollen.
I think this was on Day 2, enjoying our annual
Sonic gift cards from Aunt Irene and Uncle Bill.

We had a really fun stake youth activity this month!
In person!
We talked about the theme for the year,
A Great Work.
The verse that it comes from talks about how we are 
laying the foundation for a great work and out of 
small things proceedeth that which is great.
Our youth were spread out in three different 
buildings across the stake.
We met in our building.

We started off with a talk by Ember, sharing the
building blocks for a foundation of a testimony.
Then we got to lay a foundation of colored paper to
cover as much of the gym as we could.

The kids did awesome.

Look how cool it is!

The kids seemed to have a great time.

Then we broke up into two teams and had a box-
building competition.

They got them to go pretty high!
Such a fun activity.
Really fun to actually SEE people.

It was time to say good-bye to our boy.
We had so much fun with him for the month 
that he visited.
He's taking this semester off school, but will
continue to work at Dixie's climbing wall and got
a second job at Contact, a brand new climbing gym opening
at the end of Jan in St George. He's excited!

Every January, we try to do a service project in memory of
Wyatt, whose birthday is in January.
This year we volunteered with GUFI, the 
Greensboro Urban Farming Initiative.
We met them at a greenhouse near Burlington.
And we planted seedlings.

The seedlings we planted will have two purposes.
Some will be sold as a fundraiser for the non-profit.
Others will be planted at different urban farms
to help address food insecurities and bring
fresh produce to neighborhoods where it is lacking.
We all had a great time and hope to volunteer with them again.

Look at all the seedlings we planted!
As a group, we planted 8000!

One of the neighboring greenhouses is growing
hydroponic plants. The owner was around and gave us
a tour. It was fascinating!

The girls and I went for a walk/hoverboard
ride on one of the trails in Greensboro.

Caroline was chosen as 7th grade student
of the month for January!
So proud of her.
Her teachers stopped by to congratulate her and 
deliver goodies. So fun.

Andrew got me this Greensboro puzzle for Christmas.
It was HARD, but I love it.

Another date night out for dinner.
This time Andrew let me choose,
and I picked Mad Greek Grill.
Love that place. 


  1. Loved all the photos and your comments. I think your family pictures turned out awesome! And I love the one roasting marshmallows after you got home as much as the earlier location shots!

  2. I hope Andrew's heel is better soon! And so glad you went to the light festival at the science center. We loved it too and I was the one pushing for it as well! LOL.

  3. Nice job on the family photos! It's hard with the tripod. Do you have a remote control for your camera? That helps a lot.
    The lights look like a fun activity, I'm surprised the kids didn't want to go.
