Thursday, March 14, 2024

Sweat Family Portraits 2023

B has been dabbling in photography for the past year or two. He has a good camera now and we decided to hire him to do our family portraits while we were all together in St. George. We spent golden hour in Snow Canyon and I'm SOOOO happy with how the pics turned out. He did GREAT!

Is that backdrop BREATHTAKING or what???

We went to a couple different spots in the park.

This spot was my favorite.

I thought the lighting was just right.

Andrew's solo shots

I love this one

A few of me

Too bad we still have a few years before
we can serve missions. This would have
been a perfect pic to submit! :)

A few of B-train.
I got to take over his camera for a minute.

Miss Whit

He got a little more artsy with some
of the shots of his sisters.
This one's so pretty.

Care Bear

This one is awesome, too.

A few outtakes and fun shots

Mid photo-shoot dance party

When Andrew's involved, you always
gotta check the eyebrows.

Quick story.
The AirBnB that we rented was someone's home.
Like they actually live there most of the time, but
rent it out when they're traveling. In the master bathroom,
they had a list of family goals posted on the wall.
It was actually super cute.
But one of the husband's goals was to be more confident
and to have better posture. So this is how Andrew
pictures him. Ha!

Mr. Business

They have comfortable rocks in Snow Canyon

Still got hops

I love this one!
These girls miss each other. <3

Bursting with joy!
Or creepy faces.
You decide. :)


  1. Those might be my favorite family pics you've had! B did awesome! The scenery is gorgeous. And, you all have amazing teeth in the last pic!
