Friday, June 7, 2024

Caroline's Christmas Recital

Sabrina doesn't normally do recitals. But I want Caroline to have opportunities to perform, especially since Brandon and Whit don't get to see her practice. So we talked Sabrina into hosting another "Friends and Family Recital." But it always turns into just a family recital because Sabrina isn't able to schedule it until the week before. And it's Christmas week!

It was a beautiful recital and it's so great to see her progressing.
Hammock knee drop

Silks straddle climb slack drop
Oh, the strength that it takes to do a straddle climb!
So strong!

That first move where she's in the splits?
So flexible!

Silks back catch
This is a fairly new move for her.
Love it.

And some still shots

Hooray for another year of building strength, flexibility, courage, and determination!