Monday, March 25, 2019

Christmas 2018

The most wonderful time of the year!

On Sunday, the 23rd, we went out after church to delivery cookies.
My family made me cut back on the amount of people we visit,
but it's sure wonderful to spend some time serving and seeing
so many of our friends-like-family out here.

In our Sunday best.

Christmas Eve!
We had our traditional favorite dinner of crab legs,
popcorn shrimp, mac and cheese, artichokes, homemade rolls,
red and white jello salad, and peppermint cheesecake for dessert.
It is SOOO yummy.

Then we took family pics upstairs in the reading nook. 
With the kids in their new jammies.

Getting ready for jumping pics. :)

Still having shoulder pain. Ugh.

We read the Nativity (no pics) and had our sibling gift exchange. 

It's always fun to see what the kids pick out for each other.

And gifts from kids to parents, too.
Whitney made some great gifts for me.

Christmas morning!

Care Bear is in a sloth and llama phase.

Teenage boys are so hard to buy for!
Car cleaning kit. :)

Andrew and I both discovered Fantasy Sports items
for sale this year. He bought a shirt for Michael.
I thought I was being so cool and could surprise him,
but he discovered a similar website the day after I did.

Our family gift from Ang and Forr:  Tervis cups!

An expansion to our favorite lunch-time board game: Pandemic

This was one of my favorite, most random gifts that I found.
Brandon likes vinyl records.
He has a record players and listens to old records in his room.
I got him an Oreo Music Box player.
It plays an Oreo!
And if you take a bite out of the Oreo,
it plays a different song.
It was hilarious!
(You can tell I thought so by my wild
cackling in the background! Ha!)

We had a chill day at home all day on Christmas. It was fabulous.


  1. I always love your jumping pics!

  2. I'm not a super sentimental person but looking at these Christmas memories makes me sentimental knowing that Brandon will be going off to college! Such great memories!
